arachnid arachnid arachnid, the arachnid that haunts my dreams, the arachnid
that I fear, the arachnid that hid in my ear, arachnid squashed on the floor
until it was no more, the arachnid connecting us, the arachnid binding us, the
arachnid that is my power, the arachnid with eyes that do not tear but glower,
the arachnid in you, the arachnid in me, the arachnid that is the enemy, the arachnid
whom feeds on me, I’m prey to the arachnid, I feed the arachnid, I feel and
know and see and cower before the arachnid of tall buildings swinging through
the air, saving millions of dollars for the arachnid’s lair, the arachnid in
Hollywood, the arachnid of the capital, the arachnid of streets roads paths and
connections, the arachnid: when did you lose your humanity? The arachnid, that
waits now, the arachnid that feeds from a cow sending hell blindly marching
eight armies of sons against the arachnid, the arachnid the arachnid that sucks
souls blood and bold minds, the arachnid watching the world watch it, the
arachnid that does not feel, the arachnid that screeches at fire from whence the
hellish fiend was born, the Arachnidan red eyes, not born again and again like
the phoenix risen from the ashes of arachnidan war, the arachnid I adore, the
arachnid whose web is beauty, the arachnid whom can entrap dreams, the arachnid
who showed me theirs, the arachnid I must see no more, the arachnid of someone’s
love it cannot bore, the arachnid the arachnid the arachnid. Spinster of fear
and fate, web of communicative connection, spinning in circles on a string from
my ceiling, the hunter that waits, the kill that is blind and ignorant. Fly
into the arachnid’s clutches! Buzz about life on whim to maneuver past the
arachnid’s schemes! Dive down into the conscious ocean of notion and drown the
spider leaving paper burning in the street by the wall, the pyramidal eye burns
from the center power, the arachnid’s capital falls crumbling about the
arachnid, the arachnid that spouts lies forth screens, the arachnids that
tumbles like humanity down into the streets flowing waves of legs crashing
about the minds that calm mobs, the arachnid that watches from up high, the
arachnid that denied my life peace, the arachnid whose ability to deceive has
no end, the arachnid who finally comforts me brings me peaceful slumber from
countless uncivilized animals gathered to poison the spider within as spiders
compete in colossal stadiums, the arachnid whom made the holy hammock of
blissful swaying joy hugging me to air and wrapping me in illusory comfort
while I ignore the concluding bite to draw me and the animalistic spiders to
the endless abyss.
Justin Vaisnor
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